Still 'Bombing' Like; No Tomorrow,
Be The Best And Join The Arcadean Army,
Ever Since A Long F#ck'n Time Ago,
Purge The Metaverse From Demon Scum!
With 'Characters' Created in 1990...
...And Battle Alongside Gods Vicious Babies!!
Infantry: At The Heart Of Every Battlefront And Action!
In the heat of battle, there is a 'Rage' among the rank & file known as the 'Baby-Hype!'

The role of the Infantry is at the core of the Army; from peacekeeping to combat operations, anywhere in the StarArena® Metaverse – our Infanteers lead the way.
Infantry soldiers are trained to be ready for any challenge.
Ready to operate alongside allies in adverse climates, from Aether to Nether.
Ready to protect The Arcade, prevent conflict, fight the realm’s enemies and deal with demons at home or in deep cyber space. In short… Ready To Drink Beer & Kick Ass!!
About Star Arena Games...
The company is a one-man factory run by PJay_BabyAngel_Frith. It started as a hobby project in 1995 and was reopened in 2010 to spend his downtime on, in between commissions as a Woodsmith. He always told himself that someday he would focus on it full-time, until Covid kicked his ass in December 2020. Three years later, it seems unlikely that ‘ANGEL’ will return to carpentry in full capacity.
Little did he know that he was working on his forced retirement plan. This is now his Trade and Craft.
Come 2024, the only way out of an accumulating bad situation is with Surgery.